adapted as "Drive"

Drive by James Sallis

James Sallis

Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press
ISBN-10: 1-59058-181-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-59058-181-0
Published: September 2005

Synopsis: Much later, as he sat with his back against an inside wall of a Motel 6 just north of Phoenix, watching the pool of blood lap toward him, Driver would wonder whether he had made a terrible mistake. Later still, of course, there’d be no doubt. But for now Driver is, as they say, in the moment. And the moment includes this blood lapping toward him, the pressure of dawn’s late light at windows and door, traffic sounds from the interstate nearby, the sound of someone weeping in the next room ...

This is the story of a man who works as a stunt driver by day and a getaway driver by night. He drives, that’s all—until he’s double-crossed.

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DVD Not Yet Released

Nicholas Winding Refn, Director

Theatrical release date: 09/16/2011
DVD release date: TBD
Studio: Bold Films

Cast: Driver (Ryan Gosling), Shannon (Bryan Cranston), Bernie Rose (Albert Brooks), Irene (Carey Mulligan), Blanche (Christina Hendricks), Nino (Ron Perlman)

Rating: R
Running time: 100 minutes

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